Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Adventure 57 is fast coming to a close. I will be in WW August 1.

As I packed up my last few classroom items and carted boxes of teacher paraphenalia to the car, I thought to myself: "This is it. I'm actually leaving." I was alone in preschool wing. I remembered last fall's walk into the preschool building alone to see what it looked like. And now the unfamiliar has become 'home'. Every nook and cranny is familiar. The room has been emptied of anything that says I was there, except that there is 1/2 as much furniture and it is all pushed up against the wall with only the computer desk sitting out. The computer is turned off, standing by itself.

I walk through the preschool wing. All packed up for summer. Memories remind me of fun times, frustrating times with kids. I see their smiling little faces swinging, sliding. I see them sitting at the corner table or engaged as a group at circle. I hear the echo of their voices, their laughter and their screams. I think about how much i got to know them, how they learned and changed, even when they (and I) didn't think they would. I sigh.

I did this. I moved away from a place I'd been for 34 years and made it through a year without any horrible crises. I made friends with colleagues, parents of students. I was able to function well as a team player. I actually felt like I knew my job most of the time. It's not like I didn't learn anything this year. It was a steep learning curve, but I did it. They will always be my friends. We may not meet again, but they each have their place in my heart and mind. I appreciated their talents, their efforts at making me feel welcome, of working with me when the way was hard. Now I have my dear friends in River City, my new friends in OH and soon, I'll be making friends in WW.

The moving plans are in motion.

After loading all my 'stuff' into my car, I take my keys to the office and say goodbye there. As I walk toward my car, the classroom is dark, locked. I scan the scene: the school, the playground, the door, the rose trellis, the parking lot. I drive away. Goodbye OH school! Goodbye playground with bald eagles and Navy jets flying over! Goodbye!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This week has been filled with paperwork and meeting with parents, and getting in those last conversations with workmates who have become friends and who I will miss. My assistant staff (really coworkers) have taken on the task of dismantling the room, and the alacrity and quickness with which it has been done is astounding. It makes me wonder if they are trying to quickly rid themselves of every memory of me (well, I can sulk, can't I?). On the other hand, they have been very tidy and efficient. So efficient in fact, that the room is nearly totally dismantled and hardly even looks like I've been there. My personal teaching stuff has been piled in a corner to be carried to my car and everything else stacked neatly on the carpet, as the floors will be waxed first and then the carpet will be cleaned later this summer.

Really, it's over. I'm just 'sweeping up the crumbs.' Made a few plans to get with staff to eat out and do our final complaining/congratulating/celebrating of the year's ups and downs.

Last day of work is Monday the 18th (a make up day because of having to take off an extra 'snow day'). I have no idea what we'll have to do that day but perhaps play cards. Someone laughingly suggested a poker game. Even Friday may be rather dull.

My first day of orientation in WW is August 13. Not much time to get all moved and settled. Sigh.

Sunday, June 10, 2007



We spent our last day with students at the city beach park. It was a glorious day of sunshine and just right temperatures and breeze. Many of the children's parents accompanied them and that made our job easier to watch them all! After being out in the sun for 8 hours, you can imagine what it did to my skin. I wore t-shirt and jeans, so I have a great farmer's tan. I had only put sunscreen on my ears and nose...forgot the back of my neck! But by the next day, it was tan. I haven't had that much sun all at one time in years. It was truly a wonderful day. A day to say goodbye to the kids and parents.

I will miss this place. A part of me will always be here, just as a part of me will always be in River City.

One week to go, then I'll be concentrating on moving, interspersed with little day trips around the island.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Beginning of the End

This chapter, Adventure 57, is fast coming to a close. Only 2 weeks of school left and only 1 week left for students. We have a small graduation exercise on Thursday, a beach picnic on Friday and the kids are gone. There is one more week in the classroom for staff to finish paperwork and clean. Then its over. I can hardly believe it. I've learned a lot this year and enjoyed living here, overall.

Last week end I spent in WW with my D & SIL. Then I attended a pre-planning meeting for next year with the staff at my new workplace. They are very personable and friendly. It is a small group. They listened to my suggestions and implemented the ones I felt would work best for my classroom. Wow! What support! I was also paid for the day...Can you say, /WOW!!!/! I'm more anxious than excited for the job and move itself. I am excited about living near family and my first grandbaby-boy!

I am renting a place near their home, but far away enough that we will not 'bug' each other! I have looked for a house to buy, but finally have tabled that idea for now. I need to work on some finances first (of course, that's been my lifelong goal....I'm still learning!)

For the next few weekends I'll be more than glad not to travel. I plan to be in River City June 27-28 to pick up/move a few items to WW. Then I'll return to River City for a few days and be back home for July 4 fun here. I'll be packing with fury during July. My moving truck is set for July 31 (another Budget run) and I plan to be in Walla Walla by Aug 2.

WW is actually closer to River City than OH, so it will be even easier to come visit me. There won't be as many lovely, quaint places to visit, though. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

One Handed Blogging

I have so much to write about and only one hand with which to type! Against my better judgment, I gave in to peer pressure and took my kids bowling with the other 2 preK classes. You guessed it. I was stupid. Tried to catch a kid who ran down a lane. Of course it was foolish, but it was instinctual to 'protect' the kid! It was me that fell like a fat elephant in the lane. The kid saw me, turned around and ran off the lane...never falling! Devil child, he is. I carefully crawled off.

My wrist strarted throbbing as I held kids' hands on our walk back to school. After school, I decided to drive to the walk-in clinic rather than go to the ER. Shorter wait time. Both places out of town. They took x-rays. Prelim report shows no broken bones, but my right wrist and hand are immobilized, swollen, bruised and painful. Oh, driving a stick shift was nearly impossible. Guess I'll be walking to work next week. I don't know how I'll get any work done on the 'puter. It's taken me an hour to type this! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

News about WW: I received my contract to sign on Thursday. I was in WW Monday and visited classes all day. Two glaring problems: 1. classrrom is in basement w/no windows and only "cold air return' air flow. 2. There is an elevator to take kids up/down, but can't be used in an emergency. They have 2 large children in wheelchairs. No way am I willing to risk's against the law! So I'm formulating a letter to them before I sign the contract and rethinking this whole moving thing.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Break Down

The break down came Wednesday. I felt tears rising and finally I couldn't hold them back. I simply said, "I can't do this today." And amidst astonished stares and concerned hugs, I picked up my purse and water bottle (forgot my lunch pail) and walked out the door. Unfortunately it was too late to get a sub for the morning class, but they had one for the afternoon class.

It was nice to take a break that day and I returned renewed and ready to finish the year, if not with flourish, then at least with a bit of enthusiasm.

What led to this break down? Several things, really. A friend's son critically injured in Iraq, difficulty getting along with an assistant at work, grief over leaving these newfound friends, one student screaming at ear-drum piercing, pain threshholds 88x/class period for two days straight, logistics of moving again, just more changes and a colleague's remark that made me 'Snap out of it!' -- but only after a retreat at home with tears.

Friday, another of the preschool teachers broke down in tears. Now, granted, she has the excuse of hormonal changes during pregnancy as a good excuse, but she, too, is going through a lot of changes.

So it's going around. Only 16 class days left and 26 more actual work days. Then I'm vacationing a bit before movin' on.

Don't forget to hug your mom today.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Burn Out

The weeks are getting harder, my pet peeves are becoming major and my patience is falling away. I can hardly wait for the school year to be over. I feel my work here is getting to the futile stage and needs to be wrapped up.

My mind is stressed with that and moving....again.

My new school district has invited me to a planning meeting for next year, and offered to pay my salary for that day, travel, and a motel. I won't need the motel, but can you believe how friendly that is? How 'wanted' it makes me feel?

The school district here is so narrow minded, they won't even pay for snacks for a parent night. I know budgets are tight, but we have 36 parents coming. That's a rare event with good turn-out.

As you can see I'm full of gripes. Burned out. I've put a lot of effort into doing my best in this one year available to me here. I question whether it has made a difference. I just remember Janet's "It makes a difference to this one," and hope that I have given the kids and some parents some hope along the way.

Next on the agenda: a soothing walk along the beach.